Oct 3, 2019


Não tenho mais interesse em fazer o blog Shoegazer Alive, mas continuarei o mantendo no ar, com algumas mudanças:
1) Não haverá mais listas de melhores do mês ou do ano
2) Não compartilharei seus posts com outras páginas do Facebook que não sejam as minhas (Shoegazer Alive, Shoegazer Alive 6 e perfis Pedro Damian), a não ser que sejam releases enviados por artistas.
3) Nos programas de rádio, não marcarei mais pessoas.
Quanto menos tempo perder com o blog, música e artistas, melhor para mim

I'm not interested in doing the Shoegazer Alive blog anymore, but I'll keep it up with a few changes:
1) No more best lists of the month or year
2) I will not share your posts with other Facebook pages than mine (Shoegazer Alive, Shoegazer Alive 6 and Pedro Damian profiles), unless they are releases submitted by artists.
3) On radio shows, I will not tag people anymore.
The less time wasted on blog, music and artists, the better for me.

Pedro Damian


  1. Visito esse Blog religiosamente todos dias desde 2007 nem sei bem o ano, quando chego do trabalho sempre um ritual prazeiroso, adoro ver novas postagens, pois são bandas que rolam em minha Playlist e confio no seu bom gosto! Por isso imploro não acabe com o unico Blog que acompanho do estilo musical que amo de verdade! Shoegazers Not Dead! Abração!

    1. Não vou acabar com o blog, caro Márcio. Só vou parar de dar audiência para outras páginas do Facebook e, principalmente, de fazer listas, que só um ou outro vê e dá um trabalho do cão. O blog continua, sempre visando internautas como você. Fique tranquilo.

    2. Valeu Pedro! Vida longa ao Shoegazer Alive! Considero meu melhor antidepressivo! 😀✌👍

  2. Your blog always helps me to find new shoegaze artists.
    It's shocking news but I respect your decision.
    Please keep your pace and muchas gracias!

    Rikiya from Japan

  3. Hello Pedro, just wanted to say "thank you" for all you've done so far. I always wondered how you could keep this up with all the work that has gone into it.
    I hope you change your mind though, in regards to lists and give us maybe one and one only list of the Best of the Month, regardless of the genres( remaining in shoegaze territory)... I think it would keep the blog interesting and something to look forward to for us readers.
    Anyways, thanks again for this wonderful blog.


  4. Love this blog but I can imagine it takes a lot of work to keep this excellent site going. You've certainly posted a lot of wonderful music I wouldn't otherwise have heard so many thanks for that. Good luck for the future. Cheers!

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  6. Shoegazer Alive is as old as my own shoegaze journey (I started in 2008 too). I can understand it being difficult to keep up. If you had a bandcamp where I could track your bought albums and wishlist, I would be happy to follow you on there instead, if it means less work for you.
    Thanks for all the work you do, I owe a lot of my shoegaze knowledge to this blog!
